Damage to wheat caused by frost

Damage to wheat caused by frost Although wheat’s growth stage or maturity is probably the most important, other stages can also be affected by the impact of frost on winter

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Tren de siembra directa monodisco para siembra directa - tubos de bajada de semillas y fertilizante

Maintenance of the shoe

The seed shoe is made of nodular cast iron with a hard contribution in its area of greatest wear Hard Facing
It has two independent downspouts one for

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Tren de siembra monodisco - Maza del disco sembrador

Core System Maintenance

The blade holder hub was redesigned now housing TWO LARGER BEARINGS with a higher load coefficient
The new FLUTED SHAFT IS OF LARGER DIAMETER providing more significant tightness

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Tren de siembra directa monodisco para siembra directa - Rueda camellón o rueda tapadora o cerradora de surco

Closing wheel control

The new closing system features a cast iron wheel that has had material removed from its center which improves the performance of the spring and prevents rebounds

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Rueda de control de profundidad

Care of the depth control wheel

We incorporate a semi pneumatic tire that is manufactured using an anti friction urethane polymer It was redesigned using innovative materials for a smooth and self cleaning operation Combines technology

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Single disc opener for no-till farming - photo

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